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Фотометр Телескопа Кеплер

07.08.2009 от Maxim

Фотометр Телескопа Кеплер

Фотометр Телескопа Кеплер. На нем есть 42 ПЗС-матрицы, каждая размером 5х2.5 сантиметра. выдающая разрешение 2200 на 1024 пикселов. Цикл занимает 3 секунды. Чтото сказано про 14ую звездную величину- но для такого инструмента это явно мало.. Возможно я не верно перевел. Ниже- кусок описания с сайта НАСА.

The Kepler photometer is a simple single purpose instrument. It is basically a Schmidt telescope design with a 0.95-meter aperture and a 105 deg2 (about 12 degree diameter) field-of-view (FOV). It is pointed at and records data from just a single group of stars for the four year duration of the mission.

Kepler CCD arrayThe photometer is composed of just one “instrument,” which is, an array of 42 CCDs (charge coupled devices). Each 50×25 mm CCD has 2200×1024 pixels. The CCDs are read out every three seconds to prevent saturation. Only the information from the CCD pixels where there are stars brighter than mv=14 is recorded. (The CCDs are not used to take pictures. The images are intentionally defocused to 10 arc seconds to improve the photometric precision.) The data are integrated for 30 minutes.

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